Ma'at Unites - Four Panel Screen


Ancient Egyptian goddess of the physical and moral law, Ma'at, unites Upper and Lower Egypt. All kingdoms were meant to adhere to her principles. Her symbol is the ostrich feather. The symbol of Upper Egypt (south) is the lotus and that of Lower Egypt (north) is the papyrus. The low relief, applied carving depicts these symbols. A border of turquoise and gold-leaf represents the royal colors.

This screen was placed in the center of the client's bedroom to separate the back of the headboard from the seating area.

The four-panel screen is reversible. The center panels can also be alternated. The lift-off hinges that are embedded in-edge allow an almost 70° turn either way for each panel.

Material: cherry, mahogany, curly maple, veneers of maple and ribbon striped mahogany, color wash, lacquer finish.

Dimensions (h x w x d): 53 x 92.5 x 1.25

Year Made: 1996

Resonant Pixel Company

Founder & CEO of Resonant Pixel Co.  I've been creating websites since 1996, started with Squarespace in 2010, and now sell web design as a productized service. 

I'm also the creator of the upcoming Productize Squarespace Design course.


